Friday, March 28, 2008

Cherry Picking

The first response I had when I hear about this was the hi-ho cheerio game. The one when you pick cherries off a tree and put them in the bucket and whoever had the most cherries win. When I started to research it, the first thing that I came across that was a cherry picker. According to wikipedia, it is someone that reaches up to pick cherries. Well, that is somewhat obvious. Webster dictionary defines it as selecting the most desirable. So if I apply that to English then it means that you should select the most desirable words or research to what you are writing. That is important because people who read article do not want to read something that is “undesirable.” Undesirable items could be boring information, bad writing, or an article that was not proofread. All of these things are unattractive when reading other people’s work. I looked really hard online to find out what else what cherry picking could mean, but those are the only two real explanations that are remotely interesting. I guess that cherry picking, according to my opinion, could mean a free sense of writing. This is because when I think of cherry pinking I generally think of it as being around cherry trees and just picking cherries and eating them. However, it could mean a limited writing, because some people have to work as cherry pickers; therefore they are limited to that work and it is not free.

Happy Birthday Emily

My friend Emily’s birthday is next Tuesday, and I am to poor to buy her a present so I wrote her a song. I play this on a little chezzy song on the piano, excuse me the keyboard. I like to pretend that it is a nice eight-eight key piano, but it is only forty keys. But, pretending makes it better. Anyway, I thought I share the lyrics:

Happy Birthday Emily
It is your special day.
Today is the day that you turn twenty. (You say twenty with an A sound so it rhymes. I’m not a Dr. Seuss; I’m not that great at rhyming.)
So do something wise with it
Get really wasted
You have a reason to get obliterated.
And no one can tell you no
Because you’re the birthday girl
And today you’ll shine brighter
Than a pretty pearl.
Happy Birthday Emily
Happy Birthday to you.
Happy Birthday Emily
And may all your wishes come true.

Of course only virgin margaritas will be served at her birthday party, we do not really drink. I just thought it would be funny in the song. Anyway, I hope that she likes it but I figured it is better than a store bought item. I always like things my friends make me instead of buying me something. This is because something they make can not be bought in stores.

Stacy Sullivan

Stacy Sullivan amazed me just because of all this information she knows about her book and relating to her book. One of the most interesting things she said is when she was talking about how that guy would sell bullets as large as the microphone she was holding. He would transport them on a commercial flight saying they were for this fictional elephant hunting game. That terrifies me that bullets that big can travel on a commercial flight. Honestly, I am not really that interested in what she what she wrote about, but the fact that Stacy is so knowledgeable about it fascinates me. It’s obvious that she has researched every single fact that she is talking about, and she knows exactly what she is talking about. I also think that she is a very brave woman, for researching such dangerous information. I really happy when I heard that The New York Times Magazine was going to cover the cost for Stacy's lawsuit. I can not believe that Keith Odema has sued Steven Spillburg, its funny though in the end Idema was paying Spilburg money. I really that everything works out for her. She gave some good advice saying that if you are going to writing an article and it may risk you getting in a lawsuit then you need to make sure that your company will cover you.

Josh Pager

The next author to speak was Josh Pager, and I enjoyed his reading the most. This surprised me because the only sport’s book that I have ever found remotely interesting was Seabiscuit, and that was hard for me to read too. I felt like I was in story time in Elementary School when he read, because I had to sit on the floor Indian style since there weren’t any seats left. Even though his story was nonfiction it felt like fiction and was interesting. He talked about many things in the story and how they related to that historic baseball game, like The Simpsons, Larry King, and John Steinbeck. He was reading one quote out of the book, and stopped and said, “I cut out the part about and my dead father.” This was interesting because, I realized when writing sometimes you need to edit out offensive or unnecessary pieces. I liked hearing about the part about talking to Bobby Thompson. However, it also made me sad because Bobby had lived his entire life with that lie and finally admitted the truth pretty much on his deathbed. Josh was a good story teller because he had somewhat acted out what Bobby was doing when he was talking to him. He also said that Bobby did cheated but it was because his manager told him too; and so that gives Bobby more pity than being labeled just a liar. During the questions Josh said something very interesting and I loved how he put it, he said, “Sometimes it is good to not know so much about the things you love.” I thought this was neat because he loved baseball, and now he knew about that game and all the secrets about it.

Christine Kenally

The first author that spoke was Christine Kenally, and I really like the phrases she used in her book, The First Word. One of them was the Tarzan meets Jane phase. I thought this was really interesting because it reminds of when you first meet someone that you like and you just want to know everything about them. Also, she was reading something that was along the lines of speaking is little more than letting out air or something like that. I thought that this was a really pretty way of saying this. I think that what she was saying is that people are so use to speaking that it is just like breathing, and that is really true. It was interesting the research that she had to do for this book. It was a lot of research that involved studying anthology, digital evolution, genetics, and linguistics. I thought it was cool how she was comparing our language to monkeys like bonobos. It was also interesting because I just studied that in my anthropology class. Also all three writers either talked about monkeys or anthropology. Kenally talked about both, Josh Pager talked about anthropology, and Stacy Sullivan was talking about the Gorilla troop. Even, though she was not talking about actual gorillas.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Memphis Zoo and Infrastructure

I was searching Channel Five’s news Website trying to figure out why there were blue bands around the trees on East Parkway. For those of you who haven’t seen it, for at least 2 miles there are trees with blue bands wrapped around them on east parkway. On the blue bands are pictures of houses and pictures of children holding hands. I did not find the news report on that, instead I watch a video about how the Memphis Zoo had cut down trees in Overton Park to make room for a new exhibit. This disgusts me that the zoo will cut down historic trees to expand the zoo so that they can make more money. There was an interview with the man that made the decision to cut down the trees and he said that the trees need to be cut down because if infrastructure. There was room need for drainage pipes. I do not like infrastructure at all, and I think that it is a selfish thing that mankind does for himself. Yes, I know that some of it is necessary, but along with urbanization so is very unnecessary. I just hate seeing trees being cut down for an advantage to mankind. The last week of high school I walked into the courtyard, and I expect the five beautiful Oak trees to be standing as always. They were not that day; they were cut down into branches and logs. The National Honor Society Sponsor, she was in charge of our school environmental club too, said it was because they were sick. Later I found out through many different sources, it was because she wanted to remodel the court yard and I find that repulsing.

Vegan Shoes

I recently read that Natalie Potman has a new line of shoes; however they are all animal friendly. That means the there is no animal cruelty in the process of making them. They have been labeled “Vegan Shoes,” and they are 200 dollars and up. That is thing about being a full out vegan, it is very expensive. I was a vegan for about 2 months, and stopped because strictly eating organic, dairy free food was expensive. I did not do it for animal purposes really, even though I do really like animals, but because it is suppose to really good for your body. I have been a vegetarian for 3 years, and it hasn’t been that bad (even though I really miss General Tso Chicken sometimes). As a vegetarian, I can not imagine making sure that everything is animal-friendly. Until I read this article it did not even really cross my mind that animals took part in other products I used like shoes. I really wish I had the money to take that next step, but I really can not shell out 200 dollars for shoes right now. I did find another website with vegan shoes, and they fell around 50 dollars, which is still expensive for me, but they weren’t that cute.

School Parking Sucks

I hate the University of Memphis Parking Situation, because there is never anywhere to park. Unfortunately, I can not afford to buy a very expensive parking pass to a designated area or the parking garage. Those are not even close to my classes, the parking lost close to my classes is the one on southern; and it is cursed because every time I park in it a train comes by and I am really late fore class. Whose brilliant idea was it anyway to build a railroad in-between the parking lot and campus; I just want to say thanks to the genius that came up with that. Yesterday, I parked on the street with a bunch of other cars and got a parking ticket. I think that it is ridiculous that the University of Memphis is so picky where students park, when they can not offer decent parking. Not to mention, all the general parking lots are always full. And sometimes there are not even any parking spots left; the only time I can find good spaces is before eight o’clock and after two. Lucky for me I do not have any classes around those times. I think that Memphis really needs to improve the parking situation for the students (who pay and choose to go there) sakes.

Lately, I'm tired all the time...

I am so tired of being tired all the time. It has become painful to go to class, and then do my homework because I am so tired. It also might be end of the year blues, since there is only about a month left of the semester and I am ready to be free. I love the summer, because you can do whatever you want and everything is carefree. I do have to work, but there is not as much draining metal word involves. I am also tired of being stressed out all the time, it one thing after another constantly. Even on the weekend it does not end because I am terrified what the next week might bring. What the worst is is that I am trapped in my house doing homework, while I should be out enjoying this beautiful day. I could be drawing with chalk, flying a kite, running, painting in the grass, but no I am bound to doing papers, readings, and all those marvelous things. I love school, it is awesome. What makes it even better is that I am not even taking the classes I really want to take, because I stuck in the gen eds still. Sorry about the sarcastic blogs today, I am just pretty angry about many things today.

Good Friday

I do not understand why the entire campus did not cancel class for Good Friday. In High School we would get out of school for that holiday, until spring break fell during the holiday. However, at least there was not any school that day. My Mom got out of work early today, and my Dad did not even have to go to work. I guess because not everyone is a Christian we did not get out of school. It kind of follows under if there was any other religious holiday that school would not let out for it. More than anything, I guess that I just want a break from school I guess. Sadly, that is how most students would look at it anyway. Most would not even observe what Good Friday just look at it as a day is, instead off. Some students may even think that it is a stupid reason for class to be cancelled. There is Easter Sunday to observe and honor what Jesus did for me. At least my work is closed for day so I can go to church, and have a day of rest. That would be nice, because days of rest are rare, even on Sundays when that is supposedly us to be the day of rest.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Day in SPring Bring Break

A while back ago, I blogged about my friend Micheal,and how not being able to come down from Olive Branch to hang out. Well over spring break we finally got to chill, and it was amazing. Micheal and eye are pretty much the same person, we both like the same music, artist, food, and all that jazz. The day he came down, I just had so much fun because all we did was sit in my room and talk. Well, we also played some music. Playing music with him is so much fun because we do not take it seriously we just take it as we go. I think that’s the way most music should be anyway. The day was just so carefree, we made CDs for each other, and listened to old bands. I just wish that we could have more days like that, but it is so hard. Not just because he lives about 30 minutes away, but I am so busy with school, work and my internship-kind of thing. I know in the summer we will get to see each other a lot, but once the summer ends again I am not going to see for a good 4 months. UGH! It just really sucks.

Song Glued in my Head

I’m sticking with you.
‘Cause I’m made out of glue.
Anything that you may do,
I’m gonna do too.

I really like this song, it makes me smile everytime I hear it. The bad thing about it is that it is very catchy and get stuck it my head. I do not really mind having songs stuck in my head, but sometimes it really sucks. For example, once I was taking a math test and the it was some radical problem. I could not think about the equation itself just, I’m sticking with you. That really is not helpful on a test at all because I just stare at my paper like a zombie with a record player rotating in my head. Another thing about having songs stuck in my head is that I’ll sing them out loud. Usaually when my friends are around, and then they start singing it. So then I have the song stuck in my head, plus my friends singing the songs. It’s just a vicous curse sometimes. However, the best ting is finally getting in my car, going home, or put on my headphones to listen to it is the best. It is like finishing a race or something, because I feel victorious that I actually get to listen to the song.


Today on the word of the day is bedizen. I have never heard this word in context. Ever. For those of you, like m e, who did not know what it means, the definition is To dress or adorn in gaudy manner. The word makes me think of really big earings, bangles, and flashy necklace; so basically big jewlry. However, I do not like the word gaudy. I think it has a bad tone to it, and the word really has a neautral connotation. Gaudy can big good if it is stylish, but also gaudy can look tacky. I really am not a critic of words, but I do think some are really pretty and meaningful with out even knowing the definition. Pure is a really good word, it has a nice ring to it. I’m sure everyone knows what pure means, so just by hearing the word it has a clean aura when when people say it. I also really like the word sound, or sounds. I love hearing that word because when I think of sounds I think of joyful noise and happy music. Even though sounds can be scary or terrible sometimes. A word that I really hate is nostalgic. I think it looks ugly, I do not like the meaning of it, and I really do not live saying it.


Over spring break my boyfriend has gotten me addicted to Lost. I do not know how many of you watch this show, but it is pretty intense. I watched Allias pretty religiously, and J.J. Abrams produced that show and is producing lost. So, when I heard about Lost I knoew it was going to be a good shoe, recently I have been having trouble keeping up with TV shoe. Mainly because I work on the nights when they come on or I forget when they come on. Lost has got me hooked hardcore though, because it really knows how to reach out and grab your curiosity. I just want to know certain things like who are “the others,” what that weird machine is, and why there is a polar bear on a troical island? Normally, I would read spoilers; but this time I want to wait it out because I want to knoe every detail. I have to say that the show is very well written. All the characters are well developed and so is the story. I can not imagine being stranded on an island, espically on an island that has abnormal activites going on. It really does make me think a lot, because it is pretty obvious that something weird is going on when a planne crashes and the surviors do not have any broken bones or anything.Well now I am going to to watch lost


I’ve started running again, ever since the weather has been lightening up. It’s amazing how much better my body feels after I excersize.I have always really liked running because it really is a form of meditation for me. Most of the time I can just listen to my ipod and enjoy the beautiful day. Other times it’s a really nice way to hang out with my friends( at least my friends who are not couch potatoes). I think the best thing about running is that it’s an activaty my Dad and I both enjoy. I ran with him for the first time in months the other day, and it was really nice because I do not see him that often. Also, we got to chat and catch up on a few things. I really wish I had the motivation to run early in the morning before class and work; because my body feels so relaxed afterwards. Not to metion, runner’s high is the best ever. The sky concaves in and my entire body is tingling and my mind really doesn’t think about anything at all. Which is really nice because I am always thinking constantly, I guess everyone thinks all the time too. However, it’s nice to take a break from my own mind.